So living off campus in Cedarville is a different animal. We're actual "townies" now and have finally experienced the town as it really is outside of the University "bubble".
So living of campus means supplying our own food first and foremost. The interesting thing is that every time we walk down to the little grocery store set in a gas station, we get stopped by the coppers.
Every time! This last time, making a total of three stops (plus two while driving), was the most ridiculous. As we are walking back once again, we are as jovial as always, and we wave to a few cars passing by at this late hour. It's about 11:30pm and all the sudden a cop car pulls up behind us and starts asking us what we're doing. I reply casually as I'm still walking that we just stopped to get some groceries, and that we're headed back to our house. He then angrily tells us to stop walking when he's talking to us, and begins questioning us as to why we're flipping off cars passing by.
Well, much to our supprise, apparently one of the late night passer-bys mistook our friendly wave for an osbscene gesture and narked on us to the cops. Which is funny and ridiculous at the same time. I really wish the Cedarville Police had something better to do than stop late night grocery shoppers.