Things You Should Never Know About Me
But back to the point of this post:
I want to get pulled over by Deputy Shaq and take him to court over my ticket causing him to miss basketball games.
Although I have been lacking in my blog posts lately, I have been spending my free time playing GTA: San Andres (the dirtiest game ever made) and drinking gallons of egg nog.
I honestly believe that there is nothing as fun as making fun of Chuck Norris.
I enjoy confontations for some sick strange reason.
I don't like reading, but when I am reading I usually enjoy it. (Shhh...don't tell anyone)
I think Dungeons and Dragons is stupid. Not because of the silly nerds that play it or the stange obsession many have with it that lead to hours of wasted life. D&D is stupid because you have to use your imagination.
When I pee, after I have held it a little too long, I sing that TFK song that goes, " When I let loose, I come out blazin'..." Don't ask me just pops into my head.
I once saw Heraldo Rivera on Fox News...and then I stabbed a guy