Change...It's a good thing?
Yes! Change is a awesome thing, but it can often be painful. I'm sure almost everyone knows that my brother is now planning to go to Arkansas to work at Keypoint Church with Josh. Don't get me wrong, I'm not happy that Aaron is leaving, but I am happy that he is getting an opportunity to grow.
Staying in one place for too long isn't usually a good thing either in a job, in your spiritual life, or in relationships. I am not saying that consistency isn't good, I am just saying that these things should not ever become stagnant. In this particular instance, God led Aaron into a change of location to find that growth, and that is an awesome opportunity.
Some would say that WFFC has lost a lot of good people, but I definitely disagree. We have been able to have and develop lots of people (i.e. Josh & Joanna S., Josh and Sabrina R., and now Aaron) that have been able to go out and help develop other ministries. Keypoint Church itself has just taken off and, from what I hear, become an awesome church. As Aaron put it, "It's a great testament to WFFC that they are able to send people where they are needed." And that's what we do!
P.S. Sorry for that last, long was even too long for me to proof read...
Staying in one place for too long isn't usually a good thing either in a job, in your spiritual life, or in relationships. I am not saying that consistency isn't good, I am just saying that these things should not ever become stagnant. In this particular instance, God led Aaron into a change of location to find that growth, and that is an awesome opportunity.
Some would say that WFFC has lost a lot of good people, but I definitely disagree. We have been able to have and develop lots of people (i.e. Josh & Joanna S., Josh and Sabrina R., and now Aaron) that have been able to go out and help develop other ministries. Keypoint Church itself has just taken off and, from what I hear, become an awesome church. As Aaron put it, "It's a great testament to WFFC that they are able to send people where they are needed." And that's what we do!
P.S. Sorry for that last, long was even too long for me to proof read...
It's funny that I'm all too often the detractor, devil's advocate, or I drive the opposite direction of everyone else. I will refrain from saying things that would hurt or offend, but in my particular case I cannot say I was sent as a leader. I left to find spiritual growth, climb out of spiritual stagnation and enrich the leadership qualities that were not being fed. I'm glad that some feel that they can say they are being sent, but please don't sugar coat just to make everyone feel good. If you are or were unhappy/unfulfilled it is okay to say so.
Feel free to disagree...
Joel, at 8/11/05 2:36 PM
I do disagree...what you said is exactly what I was saying, some people weren't growing anymore at WFFC. That doesn't mean that we were failed by anyone neccesarily. Yes, that is a possible explanation, but sometimes God just wants us to sugar coating...that's just the way I think it is...
prozaciswack, at 8/11/05 3:28 PM
I understand your "technical person" rationale, but to leave a church body because "technical abilities" aren't being used is not the main point. God didn't call us to be technical. Honestly, He doesn't even call us to use our talents. He calls us to obedience. If obedience means we jump out of our current state into something that maybe does or maybe doesn't use our "technical giftings" so be it -- Obedience is the key.
God may call us into something that doesn't have anything to do with what we've ever done before (heck Namibia is my example of this - not a gift nor a previous passion).
The thing to remember is leaving a church should only come out of obedience. I'm not being critical of anyone (Josh, Aaron or anyone else)...I'm saying that leaving cause you want to use your "talents and/or gifts" is the wrong approach. That may be part of the result, but obedience has to be the reason.
To Josh's credit I believe that he responded in obedience in leaving WFFC. Did Josh land the position that he thought he would with Keypoint? Not entirely, but nothing was truly promised, and in fact his act was more out of obedience cause he didn't have a clear picture of his usefulness in terms of technical giftings.
Isaiah says it best (49:3-4):
3 He said to me, "You are my servant, Israel, and you will bring me glory." 4 I replied, "But my work all seems so useless! I have spent my strength for nothing and to no purpose at all. Yet I leave it all in the LORD's hand; I will trust God for my reward."
Success, talent, giftedness. It all means nothing without obedience, founded in trust in the Lord.
Joel, at 8/11/05 4:20 PM
I have to, once again, agree with Joel(He's a smart guy)... to a degree. Sometimes we are moved by God to situations in which we are not naturally gifted. Nambia For Joel, Guatemala for me.
But like Nathan said. WFFC has trained and launched some amazing people. Other than Josh and sabrina, there is Amber, Adrea and others I have only heard about.
Each person comes and goes acording to how Gods moved them. Maybe you came Joel, but you moved to another place, there was somethign you've taken from here. Joel maybe you were unfufilled here, but that moved you to another place and you have experince (good and bad) that you learn from and can use.
So. God has moved Aaron and we should be glad that he's submitting to God's purpose.
PapaBob, at 8/11/05 11:20 PM
Actually, I have to disagree with Josh.
Ha..just kidding. No I think the big thing is that no matter what state we are in (happy, content, fulfilled, unfillied, hurt, disgruntled, gruntled, you get the picture), God has a way of taking us where He wants. Sometimes it is easy, sometimes not. My point through it all is that when we sense His leading it is obedience that leads us to action. Other motives, situations, attractions etc might be involved, but especially in ministry obedience is (or should be) our response to God's prompting.
Joel, at 9/11/05 12:44 PM
Sounds like a closure to this all
PapaBob, at 9/11/05 2:22 PM
Wow! I jumped in a couple days late on this post. I think I would have to say I agree with all of you. No, I'm not being wishy washy. All of you have made valid points. BUT, what it boils down to is obedience. If God calls us to move then we move. The Bible says it is sin if we don't. Aaron will be missed but who are we to lay out the plans of God?
Larry, at 10/11/05 12:06 PM
I think Jennifer needs to lay off the springfield water system cause I didn't understand a word she just said. Can someone translate?
Joel, at 14/11/05 8:55 AM
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