For the Guys
Yeah, so I still don't know what's going on with that link but I should have our live broadcast recording up for you all to listen to soon. What I really want to talk about today is pickup lines.
We all know the typical stupid pickup lines that guys think are funny: "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?", "Do you have a map? I just keep on getting lost in your eyes.", "If you were a laser, you'd be set on "stunning." and my personal favorite, "Can I try your lips on?" These lines, however, will never get you a girl, but I have discovered some that are more likely to get you a girl than eHarmony.
We'll start off with the 60's. My Old Testament professor tells me that "back in the day" sometimes they would deviate from the traditional "foxy" and tell a girl that she was quite a beaver (i.e. "Dang that girl is a beaver!"). I have tried this with at least 75% success rate.
My other two come straight from the book Song of Solomon. If you really like her hair you could try, "Your hair is like a flock of goats descending Mt. Gilead." (4:1) Or maybe if you are feeling a little more brave and straightforward you could go with Song of Solomon 7:1, "The curves of your hips are like jewels."
Anyway, good luck with those. Hope they work out.
We all know the typical stupid pickup lines that guys think are funny: "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?", "Do you have a map? I just keep on getting lost in your eyes.", "If you were a laser, you'd be set on "stunning." and my personal favorite, "Can I try your lips on?" These lines, however, will never get you a girl, but I have discovered some that are more likely to get you a girl than eHarmony.
We'll start off with the 60's. My Old Testament professor tells me that "back in the day" sometimes they would deviate from the traditional "foxy" and tell a girl that she was quite a beaver (i.e. "Dang that girl is a beaver!"). I have tried this with at least 75% success rate.
My other two come straight from the book Song of Solomon. If you really like her hair you could try, "Your hair is like a flock of goats descending Mt. Gilead." (4:1) Or maybe if you are feeling a little more brave and straightforward you could go with Song of Solomon 7:1, "The curves of your hips are like jewels."
Anyway, good luck with those. Hope they work out.
That last one will get you smacked by any girl that is not a Charismatic or Penecostal... But the Gilead one works wonders on them baptist chicks.
PapaBob, at 1/11/05 6:05 PM
Hey my favorite pick up line is:
"Is your name Gilette? Cause you're the best a man can get"
or another great trick is when you are at a restaurant take a packet of sugar that says "Sugar" and strategically drop it on the ground, then when the girl is nearby say, "Oh excuse me...I think you dropped your name tag!" You pick it up and take it from there...
Granted neither one of these has worked real well. I still have some female friends that talk to me though... I think this is a positive thing.
Joel, at 2/11/05 10:31 AM
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