Mud Dogs
Most of you may not know that I recently (yesterday) got a job for the rest of the summer. I've been pretty busy lately working at Cedarville with the grounds crew. We're called mud dogs because of the obvious daily tasks of digging, moving dirt, and cutting grass.
It's not too bad working there. At least I'm getting a nice tan and all. It's strange how much trust they give you almost as soon as you start working there as I have driven a huge truck twice already hauling dirt and rocks. It's exhasuting, but I'm poor.
Also, if you haven't been watching the news lately there has been another terrorist attack ing London. This one was not as successful (for the terrorists) as the one two weeks ago was with only one person sustaining injury. Here's the story and here's some pictures.
It's not too bad working there. At least I'm getting a nice tan and all. It's strange how much trust they give you almost as soon as you start working there as I have driven a huge truck twice already hauling dirt and rocks. It's exhasuting, but I'm poor.
Also, if you haven't been watching the news lately there has been another terrorist attack ing London. This one was not as successful (for the terrorists) as the one two weeks ago was with only one person sustaining injury. Here's the story and here's some pictures.
Dude... Whats up man, havent talked to you in forever...
Alot has been going on here and, if you havent heard, Im staying for a little longer.
PapaBob, at 23/7/05 3:08 PM
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