Need You Like Water in My Lungs
Love that song! Anyway, right now I just want to salute Adrea for her work here we go...
Adrea has no idea how awesome she is because she'd never admit how hard she really works. She gives and gives and it seems she never stops working, but it's not in a weird workaholic type of way. She gives so much because she believes this whole country (particularly the kids) deserves so much better. She would give anything if she could just know they could have all that they deserve. The kids are deprived, they are abused, overworked, and they really are so awesome. They work for nothing because nothing is the best they know. It kills her if anyone would ever look down on them or talk bad about them. I have made a point to help Adrea whenever I can and it really is amazing how much she has to do. She is here every day working seemingly non-stop till bed time. I never realized how hard and exhausting it could be here...and I've only lived in the jungle for 2 weeks. Her heart is all here and in the kids. She couldn't give more love, care, compassion and sweat to this country than she already does. Adrea, you are awesome and you deserve so much more credit than anyone could ever give you.
Adrea has no idea how awesome she is because she'd never admit how hard she really works. She gives and gives and it seems she never stops working, but it's not in a weird workaholic type of way. She gives so much because she believes this whole country (particularly the kids) deserves so much better. She would give anything if she could just know they could have all that they deserve. The kids are deprived, they are abused, overworked, and they really are so awesome. They work for nothing because nothing is the best they know. It kills her if anyone would ever look down on them or talk bad about them. I have made a point to help Adrea whenever I can and it really is amazing how much she has to do. She is here every day working seemingly non-stop till bed time. I never realized how hard and exhausting it could be here...and I've only lived in the jungle for 2 weeks. Her heart is all here and in the kids. She couldn't give more love, care, compassion and sweat to this country than she already does. Adrea, you are awesome and you deserve so much more credit than anyone could ever give you.
Adrea IS that awesome. I look at her...and I'm just like...dang. She's probably one of the nicest people I know. Her smile brings so much joy to all of us.
Tell her I said HI! and i love her! please. :)
and i guess i love you too. jerk. :) totally just kidding. about the jerk part. ;)
Kim, at 25/5/05 3:36 PM
I would have to agree...she is awesome!
Larry, at 25/5/05 4:58 PM
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