Feel Like It's My First Time
As mentioned by Emily, I really haven't told you all very well what I do every day. Well here's some of my latest experiences. Some are new to me and some not...but all unforgettable:
Sleeping on the way to Flores to get groceries(it was always too bumpy before)...feeding our two dogs every night...discovering that huge bags of watermelon are much heavier than expected...learning that Guatemalans do not understand the proper usage of the LCD screen on digital cameras...all good things are stored in "bodegas" and so are all heavy things...Suzanne is really funny after drinking a Lift, especially while reading french virus websites...church here is very differnt but passionate and i love it!...going to the store and waiting in the truck for hours to make sure nobody steals anything...One of my jobs is to sell the internet to the missionaries at $1/min and they can't seem to get enough...Emily tells me that if I get put in jail for the rest of my life for smuggling drugs I can be on 20/20, and therefore IMDB...you should always wear shorts when driving the lawn tractor as to not burn your thighs...none of the cool animals live anywhere around here aparently, so I'm still waiting to see that Jaguar...that's all of my unforgettable experiences for now...
Sleeping on the way to Flores to get groceries(it was always too bumpy before)...feeding our two dogs every night...discovering that huge bags of watermelon are much heavier than expected...learning that Guatemalans do not understand the proper usage of the LCD screen on digital cameras...all good things are stored in "bodegas" and so are all heavy things...Suzanne is really funny after drinking a Lift, especially while reading french virus websites...church here is very differnt but passionate and i love it!...going to the store and waiting in the truck for hours to make sure nobody steals anything...One of my jobs is to sell the internet to the missionaries at $1/min and they can't seem to get enough...Emily tells me that if I get put in jail for the rest of my life for smuggling drugs I can be on 20/20, and therefore IMDB...you should always wear shorts when driving the lawn tractor as to not burn your thighs...none of the cool animals live anywhere around here aparently, so I'm still waiting to see that Jaguar...that's all of my unforgettable experiences for now...
Charging for internet per minute? Inconceivable. 13 days buddy
PapaBob, at 18/5/05 8:35 PM
Actually they kinda put their eye on the LCD screen rather than holding it out in front of them. I think they're trying to use it like an old school view finder or something.
prozaciswack, at 21/5/05 12:18 AM
Well...shoot. I was so hoping for some drugs when you came back. I hope you are having a lot of fun. Those darn lawn tractors.
Anonymous, at 21/5/05 5:05 PM
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