It's crazy times...
A lot has been going down on this end of the ethernet cable so here are some of my recent happenings...
I got sick of Microsoft Outlook, it ALWAYS freezes up on me and gives me an error message every time I turn it on. Because of this I have made the switch to Thunderbird, Mozilla's e-mail organizing program. I even got a calendar program for it HERE and some sweet skins. The ONLY problem is it cannot check my Hotmail (because the Microsoft jerks shut down the "pop" server programs Hotpop and Mr. Postman. I guess I will have to suffice.
I am now on the radio (U99.5 FM) from 4-6 instead of 6-8. I think I like it better already...maybe some people even listen at my new time.
I started my racquetball class today and it is much more intermediate than I expected. I mean, yeah, I expected there to be first timers in there but even one of them told me that it was a little slow. Oh well, at least I know I can beat everyone there...especially Amber (just messin!) and they will probably all hate me soon.
Joel's Apex worship band will be playing here at Cedarville tomorrow morning for chapel. This is good and bad I have to actually go to chapel but I really am looking forward to it. I call for a few guitar solos and maybe a drum and base solo as well. All I have to say is they better rock it out! And guess what, you are invited to come! That's right, everyone should come check out the Apex Worship Band tomorrow morning at 10am!
Well that's all for now folks...
I got sick of Microsoft Outlook, it ALWAYS freezes up on me and gives me an error message every time I turn it on. Because of this I have made the switch to Thunderbird, Mozilla's e-mail organizing program. I even got a calendar program for it HERE and some sweet skins. The ONLY problem is it cannot check my Hotmail (because the Microsoft jerks shut down the "pop" server programs Hotpop and Mr. Postman. I guess I will have to suffice.
I am now on the radio (U99.5 FM) from 4-6 instead of 6-8. I think I like it better already...maybe some people even listen at my new time.
I started my racquetball class today and it is much more intermediate than I expected. I mean, yeah, I expected there to be first timers in there but even one of them told me that it was a little slow. Oh well, at least I know I can beat everyone there...especially Amber (just messin!) and they will probably all hate me soon.
Joel's Apex worship band will be playing here at Cedarville tomorrow morning for chapel. This is good and bad I have to actually go to chapel but I really am looking forward to it. I call for a few guitar solos and maybe a drum and base solo as well. All I have to say is they better rock it out! And guess what, you are invited to come! That's right, everyone should come check out the Apex Worship Band tomorrow morning at 10am!
Well that's all for now folks...
Yep...hopefully we'll be permitted to rock out. If we are permitted we will. The electronic drums are going to be a sore spot, but otherwise we should be golden and it will be a delight. I think you'll enjoy hearing Rob speak as well. He's fantastic (as long as he's prepared ;)
And i still need to beat, er, play you in RB sometime...
Joel, at 18/1/05 5:13 PM
Hey look, I don't have to post as anonymous anymore. I took racquetball in college too, and it was sort of silly, because I think I got 1 three minute lesson, and the rest of the time I just attempted to beat my classmates. (I am rather lousy at racquetball, although I think it's lot of fun.)
Ruth, at 20/1/05 10:18 AM
Your mom goes to college.
Kim, at 21/1/05 8:32 AM
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