I enjoy many things in life and I would like to celebrate some of them today...here we go:
Streamload.com. This site is awesome! Host and/or store any files you want up to 100 mb a month for FREE! I have used this so much and has come in useful an endless amount of times. Good stocking stuffer!
Dell Customer Service. As James has also experienced, Dell's customer service is fast and great. After having me check a few simple components on my laptop they determined that I must send it in. They send me a box that I recieve the next day and I ship it to them same day...for FREE! Mad cudos Dell, mad cudos!
Other things that make me happy:
Cookies (thanks Amber), Alternative Edge and all the people in it, music (thanks MyTunes), hamburgers, Mt. Dew, XBOX, networks, laptops, big screens, happy people, cool people, not-fake people, sound equipment, Captain Crunch, refridgerators, Christmas break, adidas, food, puppies, printers that always work (this has not been invented yet), a good movie, pretty pictures, sweet cameras, movie soundtacks, blogging, Jesus...
And many more things...but that's what popped into my head...
P.S. this was Lauren's idea
Streamload.com. This site is awesome! Host and/or store any files you want up to 100 mb a month for FREE! I have used this so much and has come in useful an endless amount of times. Good stocking stuffer!
Dell Customer Service. As James has also experienced, Dell's customer service is fast and great. After having me check a few simple components on my laptop they determined that I must send it in. They send me a box that I recieve the next day and I ship it to them same day...for FREE! Mad cudos Dell, mad cudos!
Other things that make me happy:
Cookies (thanks Amber), Alternative Edge and all the people in it, music (thanks MyTunes), hamburgers, Mt. Dew, XBOX, networks, laptops, big screens, happy people, cool people, not-fake people, sound equipment, Captain Crunch, refridgerators, Christmas break, adidas, food, puppies, printers that always work (this has not been invented yet), a good movie, pretty pictures, sweet cameras, movie soundtacks, blogging, Jesus...
And many more things...but that's what popped into my head...
P.S. this was Lauren's idea
My question is why rave about Dell's customer service when they can't even get a quality product to the consumer? I don't care if you have one service rep per customer, if your equipment is not being quality controlled at the factory, then there's trouble on the horizon. Take it from an industrial engineer who's training was how to make sure there isn't a need for customer service to begin with -- i.e. design the problems out of a computer. In Dell's case they sold themselves short by making customer service excellent (sort of like Gateway, and look at them now), and sacrificed on production and quality. All companies have to cut costs somewhere to stay afloat. I'd choose a company that takes their product's quality seriously over customer service quality any day.
There's no reason in the world, other than cheap and unefficient manufacturing and poor QC, that Dell or any other company for that matter should have to make sure the public likes their customer service reps. A quality product will never require a call to Customer Service.
Okay, that's my engineering rant, and yet another reason I'd never buy a Dell or any other off the shelf PC. I'll take my buddy J. Warren's home built PCs with his quality parts and assembly guarantee any day!
Joel, at 11/12/04 12:01 AM
Nathan smells like cabbage.
Kim, at 13/12/04 9:01 PM
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