I Made This
For the last couple days I have been working on these T-shirts for my dorm. They aren't spectacular but they are decent. They made me change the colors and such but I think they turnedout fine. (Click here to see the other one) Let me know what you think (and be honest).
Also it is Rachel's Birthday and I want to publically wish her a haapy one!!!
Also it is Rachel's Birthday and I want to publically wish her a haapy one!!!
Looks pretty awesome dude. I'd wear it, and that's all that matters.
Kim, at 11/11/04 3:50 PM
And thanks for the comments.
Kim, at 11/11/04 3:52 PM
They make me feel semi important.
Kim, at 11/11/04 3:55 PM
I love you man! :)
Kim, at 11/11/04 3:55 PM
I like them... except for that Flickr logo at the bottom ;) ... sooo what's up with that?
Anonymous, at 15/11/04 8:28 PM
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