Again I have been drawn into the busy world of school and laziness. It's not that I haven't had time to post...just that I haven't stopped slacking off enough to get around to it untill now. So I will rant and rave about pointless stuff once again, hope you don't mind.
I have been writing most of my papers recently within an hour of it being due. Somehow this is working out for me still even though I do want to try and get things done a little ahead of schedule (this means at lerast the night before). I have been sleeping a lot lately, mostly because I am staying up late too so hopefully it all evens out.
You may think I'm very lazy if you're reading this...and you're probably right...but I do have a few projects I am planning on working on soon. A few posters for the radio station need to be made, one for the Top 20 Show and another for an event called an Express Yourself Cafe...whatever that is. I had ideas floating through my head all last night while I was trying to sleep and I think they'll turn out nice despite the fact that I couldn't even sleep because of it.
Another project I'll be doing...soon...is folding my laundry. I have illegaly smuggled a clothes basket into my room to store them and they have basically been sitting here for about a week now. I should get on that. At least my room is clean though, even though I got a fine last week for not making my bed.
And finally, planning ahead I checked with Cedarville to see iff they'd help me go on a missions trip this year (probably to Guatemala). Guess what they told me: "We will need to check to make sure their doctrine matches ours." What the crap!? Why do they have to let stupid crap like that get in the way of evangelism? Let me put it this way, I want to tell people about Jesus. Are you going to help me or not!?
So stuff is going alright I guess. Not great but life seems to be bearable currently. Till next time...
I have been writing most of my papers recently within an hour of it being due. Somehow this is working out for me still even though I do want to try and get things done a little ahead of schedule (this means at lerast the night before). I have been sleeping a lot lately, mostly because I am staying up late too so hopefully it all evens out.
You may think I'm very lazy if you're reading this...and you're probably right...but I do have a few projects I am planning on working on soon. A few posters for the radio station need to be made, one for the Top 20 Show and another for an event called an Express Yourself Cafe...whatever that is. I had ideas floating through my head all last night while I was trying to sleep and I think they'll turn out nice despite the fact that I couldn't even sleep because of it.
Another project I'll be doing...soon...is folding my laundry. I have illegaly smuggled a clothes basket into my room to store them and they have basically been sitting here for about a week now. I should get on that. At least my room is clean though, even though I got a fine last week for not making my bed.
And finally, planning ahead I checked with Cedarville to see iff they'd help me go on a missions trip this year (probably to Guatemala). Guess what they told me: "We will need to check to make sure their doctrine matches ours." What the crap!? Why do they have to let stupid crap like that get in the way of evangelism? Let me put it this way, I want to tell people about Jesus. Are you going to help me or not!?
So stuff is going alright I guess. Not great but life seems to be bearable currently. Till next time...
Believe it or not dood, the doctrinal check isn't all bad, and it is completely within their "rights" to choose how they distribute their finances. There are a lot of things that could be preached in a foreign land that are not beneficial nor correct according to the gospel. The Gospel is something fairly simple, yet so many people through the ages have managed to warp it into something it is not, hence the need for caution. Don't always be a hater of the system...accountability both financially as well as spiritually is not to be seen as negative.
Joel, at 27/1/05 9:39 AM
That would be awesome if you could go on the mission trip again this year.
I love Nathan!
Kim, at 27/1/05 11:41 PM
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