Deepest Darkest Secrets
I know it's been a while since my last post again, but in honor of the spring like weather a few days ago...and Conan O'Brien...I am going to do some spring cleaning of my deepest, darkest secrets.
I have never read the entire Bible. I'm not proud of this or anything but I have just never had the patience and self-control to do it. There's definately a lot that I need to get to.
I often wear jeans 5-15 times before I wash them.
It's no secret that I usually wait till the night before to do almost any school paper. What is a secret, however, is that I usually have no idea what I'm talking about.
I really am the most forgetful person on the face of the planet and when someone asks me about something I forgot, I usually tell them that I haven't got around to it or that I'm working on it.
I watch rated R movies at Cedarville.
One time, when my brother and I were little, we were disallowed by our parents to listen to anything other than contemporary christian music. Well, one day we decided to ride our bikes out to the mall and totally defy this order by purchasing Jock Rock Volume 1 (good album) in what was probably the most vile and defiant thing we had ever done...but they never found out.
God deserves so much better of me. Not in the way that we all fall short, but I have so much trouble hearing Him and laying aside my will for His. I know I'm not where he wants me to be spiritually.
I can sit around for hours just thinking about how amazing God is by looking at His creation. I think about the atoms that make up a leaf and then jump out to the vastness and complexity of the universe (a little nerdy, i know). I stand in awe of how intricate even the simplest thing is. I am even more amazed that through all of that awesome creation, He chose us to be his special creation...and I'm pretty sure atheists are blind, deaf and dumb to not see it all.
I have never read the entire Bible. I'm not proud of this or anything but I have just never had the patience and self-control to do it. There's definately a lot that I need to get to.
I often wear jeans 5-15 times before I wash them.
It's no secret that I usually wait till the night before to do almost any school paper. What is a secret, however, is that I usually have no idea what I'm talking about.
I really am the most forgetful person on the face of the planet and when someone asks me about something I forgot, I usually tell them that I haven't got around to it or that I'm working on it.
I watch rated R movies at Cedarville.
One time, when my brother and I were little, we were disallowed by our parents to listen to anything other than contemporary christian music. Well, one day we decided to ride our bikes out to the mall and totally defy this order by purchasing Jock Rock Volume 1 (good album) in what was probably the most vile and defiant thing we had ever done...but they never found out.
God deserves so much better of me. Not in the way that we all fall short, but I have so much trouble hearing Him and laying aside my will for His. I know I'm not where he wants me to be spiritually.
I can sit around for hours just thinking about how amazing God is by looking at His creation. I think about the atoms that make up a leaf and then jump out to the vastness and complexity of the universe (a little nerdy, i know). I stand in awe of how intricate even the simplest thing is. I am even more amazed that through all of that awesome creation, He chose us to be his special creation...and I'm pretty sure atheists are blind, deaf and dumb to not see it all.
"probably the most vile and defiant thing we had ever done"
Heh, this story reminds me of the most rebellious thing that Luke and and I used to do--Buy candy at the drugstore!
Ruth, at 12/1/06 11:21 AM
There seems to be a lot of revealing of your deepest darkest secrets. I can't believe you watch R rated movies at Cedarville AND you were defintely dancing at the New Year's Eve party. You rebel you.
Anonymous, at 12/1/06 9:30 PM
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