...And It Should Just Slide Right Off
"Yeah right!", is all I can think as I read the online explanation of how to remove my brake rotors. Nothing on a car ever just slides right off like that, and sure enough during yet another marathon of car repairs I find myself yanking, hammering, and prying at it with no hope. Why is nothing ever as easy as it sounds? So once again I go about soaking the rotor in WD-40 (my new best friend), waiting forty minutes on the couch watching baseball, and re-mustering the will to go at it again with a hopefully freed rotor. I step up to it, stare it down for a couple seconds, move in quickly and give it some more muscle with the hammer in prying position...and finally it budged! And then a little more, and then a little more, and before I knew it I was sliding those nice new shiny rotors onto my car.
No more scraping noises, no more grinding brakes, much less shaking, and finally a car that feels like all $50 that it's worth! I really hope I can get a better car this summer...
No more scraping noises, no more grinding brakes, much less shaking, and finally a car that feels like all $50 that it's worth! I really hope I can get a better car this summer...
not to be mean, but I don't think your car is even worth $50... but that sounds like an interesting day of hard work you had there.
Kay-luh, at 17/4/06 11:17 PM
I can relate...my repairs are starting to pile up.
Larry, at 18/4/06 4:14 PM
Well thanks, but I actually don't do most of those anyway. Emily helps a lot, also the rest of the team does a lot: Kayla, Hillary, Rachel, Luke and Courtney...so mad props to them!
prozaciswack, at 19/4/06 11:09 AM
Cars just suck, let me give a little story of my car problems...
I take my mom to wal-mart while she is here the car drives fine all the way there no problem! Then when we come out of wal-mart i turn the ignition and nothing! So i pop the hood and i check the battery and the knob thingy for the ground was broke in half. HOW THE HECK DID THE CAR MAKE IT THERE BUT THEN IT WOULDN'T START. Gosh i hate cars. they are truly satan himself. LOL
Anonymous, at 22/4/06 12:46 AM
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