If life gives you lemons...
...make lemonade right? Well what if life gives you a busted car...what the heck do you make with that? A doomsday device...a killer robot...sell it on eBay for spare parts? Well I think it is working now but only time will tell. I think I will start carrying a sledge hammer for the next time it breaks down.
Another thought, I think parents should occasionally push their young babies over when they first learn to walk. It would be a good way for them to learn to deal with disappointment. They will soon get tired of crying every time you push them over and just deal with it. You may think I'm a terrible person but trust me, it will make them better in the long run...
Another thought, I think parents should occasionally push their young babies over when they first learn to walk. It would be a good way for them to learn to deal with disappointment. They will soon get tired of crying every time you push them over and just deal with it. You may think I'm a terrible person but trust me, it will make them better in the long run...
Brilliant!!! I think I will start a business to do just that. I can see the slogan now. "We push your baby down so you don't have to" (in my best radio announcer voice that I can muster up) We could go around to all of those passive parents who are afraid to touch their child for fear of damaging their little personalities and we could just say" Hey, we'll push your kid down for $19.95, we can even do twins for $24.95". We will be rich...rich I tell you...In otherwards, I agree with you 100%
Larry, at 18/3/05 2:56 PM
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