Another Serious Topic
By Nathan Pruzaniec
We were discussing the possible roles of a Christian in the world of Electronic Media today. It really upsets me that Cedarville works hard to get students plugged into Christian companies almost exclusively. The secular media is where we should be! Those are the people who need good moral influences! Mhy do we think it is wrong for a Christian to write for an "un-Godly" TV show. Maybe that's the only way to get an occasional moral lesson across. It doesn't always have to be about getting people saved, sometimes we just need to be a good example or role model.
Another thing that bothers me is how quick Christian can be to judge in this area! Particularly with the movie Bruce Almighty before they even saw it they were claiming heresy! "A man can't be God!" Duh!!! That's actually what the movies about idiot! I think the movie was a great testimony to the power of God while still being hilarious and showing the conseqences of our actions. You can't deny that the part at the end was extremely powerful when Bruce breaks down and says, "I submit to your will!" and goes on about how God is so awesome and powerful. I say it's one of the few "Godly" movies to come out of Hollywood.
We were discussing the possible roles of a Christian in the world of Electronic Media today. It really upsets me that Cedarville works hard to get students plugged into Christian companies almost exclusively. The secular media is where we should be! Those are the people who need good moral influences! Mhy do we think it is wrong for a Christian to write for an "un-Godly" TV show. Maybe that's the only way to get an occasional moral lesson across. It doesn't always have to be about getting people saved, sometimes we just need to be a good example or role model.
Another thing that bothers me is how quick Christian can be to judge in this area! Particularly with the movie Bruce Almighty before they even saw it they were claiming heresy! "A man can't be God!" Duh!!! That's actually what the movies about idiot! I think the movie was a great testimony to the power of God while still being hilarious and showing the conseqences of our actions. You can't deny that the part at the end was extremely powerful when Bruce breaks down and says, "I submit to your will!" and goes on about how God is so awesome and powerful. I say it's one of the few "Godly" movies to come out of Hollywood.
Excellent topic Nathan. That is a very interesting line in the sand. We as Christians are Biblically called to be "in the world but not of it." So what does that mean? Does that mean we are here but we segregate ourselves into our "Christian" circles or do we merge into the world but maintain our Christian morals? I'd generally go with the latter. In some instances it is probably best to stick with the "circle" but otherwise how will we have a day-in-day-out affect on those around us if we are somehow in the same arena. This doesn't mean we have to play the same game.
I've said it before, legalism is what keeps this topic so wishy-washy. We take things too literally in some cases, and we take some things too loosely in others. The balance inbetween is very difficult to find and maintain.
As far as the media career is concerned, there is value to help bolster Christian forms of media if the intention is eventually have enough influence as to get noticed. Unfortunately, Christian organizations, playing in a world market, will have to play by the world market rules. This usually corrupts more than it helps as an influence. A perfect example is the Christian music industry. In an attempt to fill a void, they have created a monster that was forced to play by the world's rules and they [as humans] were quickly sucked into those rules disregarding or minimizing God's standards.
Ultimately, you as a Christian can't stand alone, either in a completely "Christian" market, or in a completely "secular" market. You need the support and the accountability of others who share your Christian world view, business sense, morals, integrity and ethics. That is the only way that we as Christians can hope to stand against the tide of secularism, by God's grace.
Joel, at 2/10/04 12:21 PM
I don't think Christians should just hide in their safe little "Christian world", but we can't bend our standards for the world's. It depends on what type of morals we are going to teach through this media. Even an unbeliever can emphasize love or show the immorality in murder. It is the extra step of a Christian to emphasize why we have and maintain these morals. Love is great but without Christ do we even really know what love is? Not murdering is good but those who don't murder are still lost without the death of Christ.
We can either just add morals to a world of sinners, or we can help lead that world of sinners to the foot of the Cross. We can't compromise salvation.
I think a Christian can and should work in secular media; however, that Christian can and should share not only morals but the love of Christ when there. If he is then asked to renounce or compromise these morals, he should no longer work there.
Erin, at 9/10/04 7:52 PM
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