Xanga + x = CRAP
The simple equation above basically shows us that no matter what is done with (or added to) a Xanga it will still suck! If you still don't understand my despise of these site check out these ( 1 2 ) I am not reccomending that you read these in any way, simply asking you to realize that you couldn't really read it if you wanted to! It's not like these are the only 2 xangas that are like this, about 50% are like this.
Not only to Xanga users try their best to strain my eyes but they also subject you to annoying, low quality music. If I wanted to listen to music, I WILL TURN ON ITUNES! I will not go to your crappy site! Not to mention they look cluttered and are harder to actually get an original template.
I just wanted to vent my frustration! I guess I just see it as a good thing that people who have xanga's and blogs can't figure out how to change thier blog background. IT'S BECAUSE YOUR BACKGROUND SHOULD BE A SINGLE NEUTRAL COLOR! Not a picture that matches your color of text! Anyway, this is why I love my blog and other blog users!
ALSO- Check out Val's new blog! I helped her put it together a little and I think it is a delight!
Not only to Xanga users try their best to strain my eyes but they also subject you to annoying, low quality music. If I wanted to listen to music, I WILL TURN ON ITUNES! I will not go to your crappy site! Not to mention they look cluttered and are harder to actually get an original template.
I just wanted to vent my frustration! I guess I just see it as a good thing that people who have xanga's and blogs can't figure out how to change thier blog background. IT'S BECAUSE YOUR BACKGROUND SHOULD BE A SINGLE NEUTRAL COLOR! Not a picture that matches your color of text! Anyway, this is why I love my blog and other blog users!
ALSO- Check out Val's new blog! I helped her put it together a little and I think it is a delight!
"Ladies and Gentlemen, let me introduce the new spokesperson for Blogger - Nathan P."
Well said my good man, well said. I couldn't agree with you more on all counts, and I must say that those two examples nail it. I've only seen like two Xanga sites that I can actually read and not require pain medication for a migrain headache afterwards. Even my art deco sister, the one in school for such things, could learn a thing or two about graphic web interfaces, as a human factors engineer would design it!
Joel, at 20/9/04 5:49 PM
Nathan, you are totally correct. Most of the Xanga's out there DO suck! Especially with their crappy music on there!! Talk about gay. I'm trying to listen to my I-tunes...then all of sudden I hear their music in the background. What the heck? I hate it. BUT...there are a FEW good ones out there.
You are such an inspirtation to me, that I changed mine around so it's readable(www.xanga.com/Gzusfreak). What would I do without you?!!! Thanks a lot kid.
Kim, at 20/9/04 8:44 PM
But Kim, you still don't understand! Your backdrop behind your text still does not promote easy reading. Plus I forgot to mention, no matter what you do to your Xanga, it still looks trashy and cluttered.
prozaciswack, at 20/9/04 11:20 PM
You're right...Xanga stinks. But, Live Journal is the best blogging site!
Anonymous, at 21/9/04 3:51 PM
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