This Democracy of Hypocrisy
I'm not sure why I said that...I guess cause it sounded cool. But seriously, I want to talk about Christians being so hypocritical. I would have to say this is the number one thing that turns people away from God, Christians and non-christians alike.
I would always hear in High School from people who claim they are christians about these wild parties they went to over the weekend and then how they volunteer on Sunday mornings! It's sad how much they look like an idiot but I don't think they know how bad they make christianity look as a whole. I am just as guilty as the next guy of not living how I should and there's no excuse for me either but it's the people that get into this cycle of sin and don't realize how wrong it is that worry me.
Because of us the world now sees Christianity as a joke, a game, just another way to feel okay about death. We are poor representatives of Christ, which is why I thank him every day for His grace. But how can we expect someone to turn from their sin and repent when they know us, when they see all the crap we let our lives get filled with. I repent for what a terrible example of Christ I have been and I try to submit my life to him every day and I pray that eventually the Church body as a whole will realize their faults (I'm not judging here, just pointing out the obvious) and try to do the same thing.
On a happier note, I got a radio station DJ job. You can hear me in the Springfield area on tuesdays 6-8 on 99.5 FM, The Path!
You have a radio voice? Or are you just emptying the trash cans and turning off the lights? Is that 6 am or 6pm?
Joel, at 3/9/04 11:49 AM
A radio job, eh? That's pretty freakin' sweet man! I shall try and catch you on there sometime.
Kim, at 3/9/04 3:48 PM
Definately 6 time baby! Yes I will be dropping some sweet Michael Dubya! And no, I will not be emptying trash cans!
prozaciswack, at 4/9/04 4:16 PM
Your radio station needs an online feed so those of us stuck in good old Indiana can listen to you...r
Anonymous, at 5/9/04 4:12 PM
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prozaciswack, at 6/9/04 11:31 PM
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prozaciswack, at 6/9/04 11:37 PM
You can listen online...check out
It is on the left side of the home page so anybody in the world can listen to me tomorrow night at 130 kbps!!!
prozaciswack, at 6/9/04 11:40 PM
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