The world waits...and I reply.
Random Thoughts and links:
Don't you think British humor is dumb (except for Monty Python)...I think I got my hair cut too short last time...I've always wanted to be a weather man...boys smell like eggs, the older they get the worse they smell...I just did like 100 squats in the weight room and my butt is I wish a guy could get some Cocoa Pebbles around here...Kids In The Way is probably like the best bad EVER!...this water is nasty, i need some mountain fresh Canadian water!...what the crap is water polo anyway and who plays it?...on the same topic, watch out for the Washington Wetskins, they made their own logo on paintbrush...i will admit, the new iMac G5 is lookin pretty sweet...ninjas are pretty the internet is great...these are some pretty sweet pictures!!!
2 Comments: are definitely out there...but I can respect that. Watch those squats, soreness is that region is an interesting phenomenon!
Joel, at 2/9/04 8:40 AM
Wow. If that's not random, then I don't know what is. I might was very intertaining. Keep up the great work!!! Yeeeeeeeeeee haaaaaaaaaaaaaw!
Kim, at 2/9/04 9:01 PM
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