Risky Business
Many of you have read my blog day after day, reading about my life and thoughts. At the end of the post, I am sure many of you are left wondering, "What can I do now?" Well I have compiled a list of things to do that may satisfy your every whim.
Crunch the Numbers:
For those of you out there who may enjoy statistics as I do there are a few good sites out there for you. Particularly, movie stats fascinate me so I reccomend Rotten Tomatoes for critic stats or The Numbers for box office stats. I particularly enjoy the Box Office Records. If you want some opinion stats I have found Vote.com will more than suffice.
Good News:
Check out Yahoo Most Popular for some good interesting stories or just Fox News for general news, although I think their site is terribly cluttered!
Free Downloads:
Check Download.com for lots of free cool stuff or if you're into file sharing Kazaa Lite (don't get regular Kazaa, it has spyware). Other cool free stuff include the Google toolbar or even iTunes for the best music jukebox in the world.
What if I wanna have fun?
I have your solution. MoFunZone has some great games including my favorite, Robo Bombo. If that's no good try Frends at MiniClip.com. Maybe text based games are for you, try Earth 2025 or some good pool at Candystand.
Kicks and Giggles:
Of course fo a good laugh on the internet the main source is this Blog but after that you may want to check out HSR. Also This Is Broken can be quite entertaining.
For the Looks:
Some pretty websites are out there as well. You can either check out any of the photo sites on the sidebar including mine or I also highly reccomend Pixel Girl. you may also have fun looking at random blogs.
Shop Till...your fingers hurt or something catchy:
Of course you know eBay but you might also check Overstock.com or Price Watch if you are looking for tech but my favorite if you are looking for low is Yahoo Shopping.
Is that it?
If none of those acquire your fancy I always enjoy to Google people. It is really hard to find people who haven't: been to public school, been arrested, or died. But if that's too close to stalking for you, maybe you would enjoy reading my Incubus Paper instead.
Crunch the Numbers:
For those of you out there who may enjoy statistics as I do there are a few good sites out there for you. Particularly, movie stats fascinate me so I reccomend Rotten Tomatoes for critic stats or The Numbers for box office stats. I particularly enjoy the Box Office Records. If you want some opinion stats I have found Vote.com will more than suffice.
Good News:
Check out Yahoo Most Popular for some good interesting stories or just Fox News for general news, although I think their site is terribly cluttered!
Free Downloads:
Check Download.com for lots of free cool stuff or if you're into file sharing Kazaa Lite (don't get regular Kazaa, it has spyware). Other cool free stuff include the Google toolbar or even iTunes for the best music jukebox in the world.
What if I wanna have fun?
I have your solution. MoFunZone has some great games including my favorite, Robo Bombo. If that's no good try Frends at MiniClip.com. Maybe text based games are for you, try Earth 2025 or some good pool at Candystand.
Kicks and Giggles:
Of course fo a good laugh on the internet the main source is this Blog but after that you may want to check out HSR. Also This Is Broken can be quite entertaining.
For the Looks:
Some pretty websites are out there as well. You can either check out any of the photo sites on the sidebar including mine or I also highly reccomend Pixel Girl. you may also have fun looking at random blogs.
Shop Till...your fingers hurt or something catchy:
Of course you know eBay but you might also check Overstock.com or Price Watch if you are looking for tech but my favorite if you are looking for low is Yahoo Shopping.
Is that it?
If none of those acquire your fancy I always enjoy to Google people. It is really hard to find people who haven't: been to public school, been arrested, or died. But if that's too close to stalking for you, maybe you would enjoy reading my Incubus Paper instead.
Agreed...Foxnews.com is the best source for mainstream news, however, it is as you say, very cluttered...
and no, I will not give you guitar lessons for the psycho barter agreement you tried to negotiate.
Joel, at 23/9/04 3:30 PM
This is quite an interesting post.
I actually clicked on the Google one. And then I clicked on the "Did you mean 'nathan rozaniec'"? Did you notice that it had no site links? Haha. It made me chuckle.
Kim, at 23/9/04 5:55 PM
Googling people is fun....According to Google, I'm a Dianic high priestess and a musical artist ;)
There are at least three websites that are actually me, but you have to know the search terms to enter to get them.
Someday, you'll have to add bank and credit card websites to your list...R
Anonymous, at 23/9/04 10:23 PM
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